Sunday, June 4, 2017

Enough is Enough! Yet Another Terror Attack

Seriously... Enough already. Another terror attack in England, more people killed and a lot more are going to be suffering for life from injuries both physical and mental. When is enough going to be enough already?? When are the local municipalities and governments going to see that their policies and procedures to protect religious freedoms are now infringing on the safety and well being of its citizens? England and the rest of Europe, I get it. You restricted the rights of your people to practice their religions peacefully and you lost colonies, but you've gone overboard and exited the realm of religious freedom and tolerance into the world of pluralism and a dangerous multiculturalism that isn't blending cultures together, but separating them into sects, segregated and turning them into breeding grounds for dangerous ideologies that are hell-bent on destroying western civilization and all we hold dear.

There is a difference between saying come into our country, join us, become part of us and retain your cultural distinctiveness while being "us" (American, French, Belgian, whatever), and saying come in and continue to be you, believe whatever you want, you don't have to really abandon anything and we'll accept you unconditionally no matter what you want. Here's what I mean. The Irish came here and became Americans while retaining their unique "Irish identity", So did the Italians, the Germans, the Poles, French, etc.. Yet they were distinctively American. Ireland had the same distinctiveness over it's history, even the Anglo's that came to rule over the Irish, and the vikings who settled became adopted into the culture and were absorbed into society. It was a melting pot of sorts. But something's changed. It's now "en vogue" to not absorb cultures into our society. It's as if we are ashamed of who and what we are, and we in many ways push them away into their groups of Hispanics, Arabs, Africans, etc.

Now we have issues here in the States with MS13 and other Latin gangs, we have growing issues with Islamic Terrorism and segregated communities. If we want to continue to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, we cannot bury our heads in the sand like ostriches and believe that what is happening with the growing threat of terror are isolated attacks and not the norm. Let me expand on this:

Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be 
unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is their destination 
Quran 9:73

Islam makes up 24% of the world's population. It is the fastest growing religion in the world. That means, as of 2015, there are roughly 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. Now I am not saying that they are all terrorists or even support terrorism, but consider this:

Former president Barrack Obama was quoted saying that 99.9% of all Muslims are peaceful. But does this jive with the facts? "Christians and their Bible advocate for killing of those who disagree with their religion", many who would defend Islam state. Yet, even if you only consider Jesus a "prophet" and not the Son of God, consider his words in comparison to Mohammed. Mohammed never counseled turning the other cheek as Christ did, he counseled putting them to the sword.
The Koran states:

“Fight against those who do not obey Allah and do not believe in Allah or the Last Day and do not forbid what has been forbidden by Allah and His messenger even if they are of the People of the Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” 9:29

Compare this with Jesus' words of "Bless those who curse you and pray for those who despitefully use you."?

“Kill them wherever you find them and drive them out from where they drove you out. Persecution is worse than slaughter.” 2:191

Didn't Jesus respond by saying: Luke 6:29  To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either.

I could go on and on, but you see the point, right? While one describes historical events and what happened (the Bible), the other gives present directives of how to live as a "proper Muslim".

Another thing to consider: If it was only 1% of Muslims who were radicalized, that translates to roughly... what? 15 million? Is 15 million potential terrorists and acceptable number? It's not the peaceful Muslims that are the problem, it's the ones who aren't and the "peaceful" ones who support the activities of the "radicals". So... Is 1% the actual number? According to a Pew report taken across the globe, between 10% and 25% of Muslims worldwide support terror in at least "certain circumstances". This does not include their belief in implementing Sharia in the west, female genital mutilation, or honor killings. That's a much more staggering number. In fact, a recent Pew research poll showed this about Europe:

"In France, Spain, and the United Kingdom, Pew found that 15 to 16 percent of Muslims endorsed violence against civilians “often” or “sometimes.” In France, another 19 percent gave the answer “rarely.” In other words, more than one-third of France’s Muslims support such acts at least on occasion, as do about one-quarter of those in Spain and the UK."

Now, let me break that total number down for you... 20%, what is considered a "conservative estimate" for those who believe in occasional acts of terror. That means that you are looking at about 300 million radicalized Muslims. That is no small number. 300 Million!! Sweet Christmas! If another 15% supports it "rarely" as the poll suggests, that number jumps to 500 million. That is half a billion followers (with a B). What does this mean? It means "captain we have a problem". We are looking at a huge percentage of a religion of peace that supports occasional terror! You don't see this with Buddhists or Hindu's or Christians and Jews. You do with Islam. Why?

Because a religion founded in violence breeds violence. A religion founded on predatory acts breeds predatory acts. A religion that was founded on terror breeds terror. Here's the hard truth.. Islam was founded by a maniac who married his uncle's wife, took a 6 year old and married her (consummated the marriage when she was 9, like that was any better), began his religion by slaughtering Christians, Jews and pagan Arabs to advance his own wealth and status, and then claims that the religion is peaceful. But Islam does not mean peace, it means peace through submission. It is ideologically inseparable religiously from its politics, because they share the same Sharia. Sure, there are always going to be liberals in every religion that redefines the meanings of what their religious tenets say. But the truth is, while Christianity says "thou shalt not commit murder", Islam says “Kill them wherever you find them and drive them out from where they drove you out. Persecution is worse than slaughter.”.

As much as we would like to believe that Islam is peaceful and that there really aren't many bad people in the world, it just ain't the truth. There are groups out there that are training kids as young as 8 years old to become terrorists. In just several hours after the latest London attacks there were 12 arrests of people connected with the attack. In the US, we have a number of training camps that are being monitored but in the age of political correctness, multiculturalism and pluralism, cannot or will not act to shut them down. Pluralism is killing western civilization. Our fear of offending is allowing people to be killed, maimed and injured.

This is serious stuff. They are trying at the least to subdue us, and at worst destroy us. Terror is no joke. It is a matter of life or death. Islam has a serious issue because it's "moderates" cannot really offer a real defense (or will not) against terrorists. it will not, because it cannot. Have you thought that maybe restricting the border to protect yourself and others isn't such a bad thing after all?

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