Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Sunday Morning Constitutional:That's the Fact, Jack!

Sitting here this morning on my throne (the chair on the back porch where I write all my commentaries), I have been thinking of the news, the politics and how people seem to be reacting to what is amounting to what might be considered one of the most exciting election campaigns in decades. I have not seen people this excited, angry, distressed and involved in years. It is not hard to guess why. Our nation is in a state of distress. Religious persecution seems to be at an all time high (try being a Christian in an openly/increasingly secular-hedonistic society), Racial tensions are arguably worse now than they were in the 60's, our president seems to be dismantling and emasculating our military, our democratic hopefuls have announced that they have no intention of deporting *ANY* illegals, terrorism is not on the decline, but on the rise (both internationally and domestically, with a boldness that should shock even the most hard core liberal), and our economy is no better than it was 8 years ago. Add to that the circus that the GOP has turned into and the overt socialism of the left where the party line seems to be "don't work, that's ok... we'll just take from those who do and give it to you".

Is it any wonder people seem to be losing hope? Hope in the system, hope in those running, hope in just about everyone around them? The truth is, all these things will let you down. Why? Because we as men are flawed creatures. This means that inherently, our system is flawed, parties are flawed, the people running are flawed... We live in a fallen, flawed world and people and the things they put in place let us down. It is the nature of it. It will be this way until Christ returns and makes all things new.

So what does that leave us with? Can we work with something that is flawed? There is an idea out there of something called "sufficiency". It is the idea that while something is not complete, comprehensive, all encompassing, it is sufficient for what we need. I believe our constitution is sufficient. It is not perfect. This is seen in the fact that there have been amendments to the constitution over the years, but that does not mean it is irrelevant or useless, outdated or antiquated. It certainly is not infallible or innerant, but it is sufficient. What has served us in the past can continue to serve us equally today. Our founding fathers took great care (much greater care than we have today) to craft this document in a way that benefits all men. We cannot redefine the very foundations of what our country was founded on and hope that we will even remotely resemble the nation we were founded as. A nation where men can worship without infringing on the rights of others, a nation where free ideas and thought and marketplace breeds healthy competition and causes us to prosper, a nation that is strong and stands ready to protect us and our allies, because we understand truth, justice and liberty. An nation that truly is of the people, by the people and for the people. Isn't that something we can work with? Isn't that sufficient?

But if all these are flawed, where can we turn? Well, for me, I like the words of Paul to Timothy:

2Ti 3:16-17  All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,  (17)  that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Now there is a complete, sufficient book that won't steer you wrong. It will give you something to hope in when our government and those around you are failing. When life seems to be falling apart and our crazy world seems to be growing just a little more insane every day. Just something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. This was my church message for today. Thank you so much!
